3 Tips To Help Vegans Eat Out At Restaurants
More and more people are adopting a Vegan lifestyle. It is better for the environment, and it is better for your body, too. But when most people out there do not eat according to meat and dairy free diets, it can make eating out at restaurants a challenge. But why should the meat eaters have all the fun? Here are three ways that you can ensure you have a delicious and filling dinner out.
Look up menus in advance. In our online world, there is more accessible information than ever before. This means that more often than not you will be able to source menus in advance of actually visiting a restaurant. While a menu might not detail the ingredients in every dish, you should be able to get an idea of how vegetarian and vegan friendly a place is and how likely it will be that you can find something in the restaurant that is actually appealing to your palette.
Give the restaurant a call. Many people will choose not to call a restaurant to ask about dietary modifications for fear of seeming bothersome. But as a paying customer, you are entitled to purchase a product that satisfies you, and this means that a restaurant, like any other business, will probably be able to cater to your individual needs - but it's still a good idea to check this by calling the restaurant a day or so in advance. Ask about vegan items on the menu but also ask about what modifications can be made to existing dishes to make them vegan. You might be surprised at how accommodating your local restaurants can be.
Go Asian. The vegan cardinal rule is that whenever you are in doubt, seek out Asian food. With many Buddhist and Hindu populations in Asia, this is a part of the world that has many active vegetarians, and the cuisine caters to their needs. Plus, dairy is not such a big deal in south-east Asia, so if you can find something vegetarian, there is a good chance that it will be vegan as well. Some sample dishes that you might want to try and find are green papaya salad from Thailand (without the fish sauce, this is a fresh, zingy spicy dish, which is typical of the country), and masala dosa from south India (potato curry served in a lentil flour crepe that is vegan without the use of ghee).
For more information or advice, contact a business such as Mrs Robinson.